OXICIP-PLUS Manufacturers Suppliers - Third Party Manufacturing - For PCD Franchise
COMPOSITION: TRICHOLINE CITRATE L-ornithine,l-aspartate silymarin and vitamin b-complex syrup | Pkg Type: WITH CARTON | Packing: 100 ML |
TRICHOLINE CITRATE L-ORnithine,l-aspartate silymarine and vitamin b-complex syrup– The medication widely used for improving the liver function, Gall bladder disorders, Alcohol abuse, Jaundice, Menstrual disorders etc. It works by lowering the alanine aminotransferase, aspartate levels. Also helps by adjusting the cell transporters.
Caution- It also reflect many side effect on people, who are allergic to it such as Mild allergic reactions, Itching, Vomiting etc. So make sure that you have thoroughly consult your doctor before consuming this specific drug range.